
documents lan storage

freeNAS configuration

freeNAS install

  1. Create freeNAS install USB 3.0 Sandisk bootable thumbdrive using Etcher - download or Rufus - download netstackFreeNASInstallUSB-Rufus
  2. Insert freeNAS install USB and a USB 3.0 Sandisk boot target or use a small SSD netstackFreeNASInstall1 netstackFreeNASInstall2
  3. Install… it will ask to set a root password netstackFreeNASInstall3
  4. Pull freeNAS install USB and reboot netstackFreeNASRemoveUSB

freeNAS first pool setup

Gateway purpose IP Local Domain Name
Network Management Gateway https://ng.ns.lan
Storage Management Gateway https://sg.ns.lan
Compute Management Gateway https://cg.ns.lan

  1. Login to FreeNAS (root - yoursecurepassword)
  2. View Dashboard check for any notifications
  3. From FreeNAS Dashboard -> Storage -> Pools -> Add -> Create new pool
    • Name: nspool
    • Type: raidz2
    • Add Drives (the 4 disks) -> Set to raidz2 (default is raidz2)
  4. Confirm Create (will delete all data)
  5. Clean up Network
    • Hostname: sg
    • Domain: ns.lan
  6. Add S.M.A.R.T. Test schedule to drives
    • Tasks - S.M.A.R.T. Test
    • Disks: (disk in each pool as a task) ada0, ada1, ada2
    • Type: LONG
    • Description: Monthly SMART test
    • Schedule: Montly (0 0 - -) First day of month at 12AM
  7. Add SCRUB schedule to drives
    • Tasks - Scrub Tasks
    • Pool: nspool
    • Threshold days: 14
    • Description: Weekly Scrub

freeNAS SMB Share Dataset Configuration


Group GID Description
nsadmin 1009 Netstack System Administration Group
nsbackup 1008 Netstack Backup Group
nsprojects 1001 Netstack Projects Group
nspublic 1000 Netstack Public Group


user UID Description
root 0 only use on head
nsadmin 1009 only use in emergency
buadmin 1008 backup user for scripts
nsprouser 1001 basic project user template
nspubuser 1000 public share only user template
  1. Check Status of nspool Storage - Pools - Gear Status
  2. Add Projects dataset Storage - Pools -> nspool -> Add Dataset
    • Name: Projects
    • Comments: netstack Projects
    • Sync: Inherit (standard)
    • Compression: Inherit (lz4) (default)
    • Enable Atime: Inherit (on) (default)
    • ZFS Dedulication: Inherit (off) (default)
    • Case Sensitivity: Sensitive (default)
    • Share Type: Generic
    • SAVE
  3. Add Public dataset Storage - Pools -> nspool -> Add Dataset
    • Name: Public
    • Comments: netstack Public share
    • Sync: Inherit (standard)
    • Compression: Inherit (lz4) (default)
    • Enable Atime: Inherit (on) (default)
    • ZFS Dedulication: Inherit (off) (default)
    • Case Sensitivity: Sensitive (default)
    • Share Type: Generic
    • SAVE
  4. Create group nspublic Accounts - Groups -> Add
    • GID: 1000
    • Name: nspublic
    • SAVE
  5. Create group nsprojects Accounts - Groups -> Add
    • GID: 1001
    • Name: nsprojects
    • SAVE
  6. Create user nspubuser Accounts - Users -> Add
    • Full Name: Netstack Public User
    • Username: nspubuser
    • Email:
    • Password: somethingyouset
    • User ID: 1000
    • New Primary Group: unchecked - use nspublic as Primary Group
    • Primary Group: nspublic
    • Auxiliary Groups: none
    • Home Directory: /mnt/nspool/Public
    • Home Directory Permissions:
      User Group Other
    Read X X X
    Write X    
    Execute X X X
    • Authentication (leave default)
    • SAVE
    • Repeat for nsprouser but with nsprojects as primary group
  7. Add Public SMB share Sharing - Windows Shares (SMB) - Add - Path: /mnt/nspool/Public - Name: Public - Description: netstack Public SMB share - Enabled: yes - checked - Time Machine: no - Allow Guest Access: no - Enable Shadow Copies: yes - checked - SAVE
  8. Edit ACL on Public Dataset Storage - Pools - nspool - Public
    • Path: /mnt/nspool/Public
    • User: root (default)
    • Group: nspublic (select from pulldown)
    • Apply Group: yes - Checked (need to check this to apply the group or it will not change)
    • Default ACL Options: OPEN
    • Apply Permissions Recursively: yes - Checked (good habbit when changing directories)
    • Save
  9. Add Projects SMB share Sharing - Windows Shares (SMB) - Add - Path: /mnt/nspool/Projects - Name: Projects - Description: netstack Projects - Enabled: yes - checked - Time Machine: no - Allow Guest Access: no - Enable Shadow Copies: yes - checked - SAVE
  10. Edit ACL on Public Dataset Storage - Pools - nspool - Projects
    • Path: /mnt/nspool/Projects
    • User: root (default)
    • Group: nsprojects (select from pulldown)
    • Apply Group: yes - Checked (need to check this to apply the group or it will not change)
    • Default ACL Options: RESTRICTED
    • Apply Permissions Recursively: yes - Checked (good habbit when changing directories)
    • Save
  11. RESTART SMB Service
  12. Test SMB connectivity on Windows
    • Windows Machine
    • File Browse to: \\ or sg.ns.lan
    • Network credentials: nspubuser - passwordyouset
    • Under Network > SG should see Projects and Public
    • Click on Public
    • Should be able to read and write files
    • Click on Project
    • Should NOT be able to access folder
  13. Enable SMB Service Services - SMB - Edita
    • Number of servers: 4 (each takes 1 core)
    • Allow no-root mount: Checked
    • Enable NFSv4: Checked
    • Restart NFS Service

Windows 10 SMB Share browse

  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Type “\sg.ns.lan” (or \ into path bar
  3. Windows should request credentials
  4. With correct credentials, File Explorer will display all datasets associated with server

Windows 10 Map Network Drive

  1. Right click on “This PC”
  2. Select “Map network drive…”
    • Select Drive to map: “Z:”
    • Folder: “\sg.ns.lan” (or \
    • Reconnect at sign-in: checked (yes)
    • Connect using different credentials: checked (yes)
    • Enter credentials: nsprouser - thepasswordyouset
    • Finish
  3. You should have access, you can edit or insert credentials directly see “Windows 10 credentials debug” below

Windows 10 credentials debug

  1. Search for “credentials” Select “Manage Windows Credentials Control panel” Application
    • Click Windows Credentials
    • Add, Edit or Remove the associated Windows Credentials
  2. Clear Windows 10 local credentials
    • Press the Windows key + R together to open the Run box. Type the following command and hit Enter.
        rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr
    • Select and delete the credential

Windows 10 bash mount Mounting DrvFs

In order to mount a Windows drive using DrvFs, you can use the regular Linux mount command. For example, to mount a removable drive D: as /mnt/d directory, run the following commands:

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/d
$ sudo mount -t drvfs D: /mnt/d

Now, you will be able to access the files of your D: drive under /mnt/d. When you wish to unmount the drive, for example so you can safely remove it, run the following command:

$ sudo umount /mnt/d

Mounting network locations When you wish to mount a network location, you can of course create a mapped network drive in Windows and mount that as indicated above. However, it’s also possible to mount them directly using a UNC path:

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/share
$ sudo mount -t drvfs '\\server\share' /mnt/share

Note the single quotes around the UNC path; these are necessary to prevent the need to escape the backslashes. If you don’t surround the UNC path with single quotes, you need to escape the backslashes by doubling them (e.g. \\server\share).

WSL does not have any way to specify which credentials to use to connect to a network share. If you need to use different credentials to connect to the server, specify them in Windows by navigating to the share in File Explorer, using the Windows Credential Manager, or the net use command. The net use command can be invoked from inside WSL (using net.exe use) via interop. Type net.exe help use for more information on how to use this command.

Apple Mac Map Network Drive

Via Network Browse

  1. Click Finder -> Network -> sg
  2. Click “Connect As” and enter credentials
  3. Finder should show all resources on that server

Via GO

  1. Click Finder GO -> “Connect to Server”
  2. smb://sg.ns.lan (or smb://
  3. Select the dataset you want to mount

freeNAS NFS Share Dataset Configuration

  1. Check Status of nspool Storage - Pools - Gear Status
  2. Add NFS_ISO_Share Storage - Pools -> nspool -> Add Dataset LT-video
    • Name: NFS_ISO_Share
    • Comments: NFS ISO files for LAN Share
    • Sync: Inherit (standard)
    • Leave rest default
    • SAVE
  3. Edit Permissions on Projects Dataset LT-video
    • Give Write to Group and Other
    • Apply Permissions Recursively
    • Save
  4. Enable NFS Service Services - NFS - Edit LT-video
    • Number of servers: 4 (each takes 1 core)
    • Allow no-root mount: Checked
    • Enable NFSv4: Checked
    • Restart NFS Service
  5. Turn off NFS Sync for each Dataset ZFS performance issue LT-Video
    root@freenas[/mnt/nspool]# ls
    NFS_ISO_Share	Projects
    root@freenas[/mnt/nspool]# zfs set sync=disabled nspool/Projects
    root@freenas[/mnt/nspool]# zfs set sync=disabled nspool/NFS_ISO_Share
  6. Create NFS share Sharing - NFS - Add LT-video
    • Path: /mnt/nspool/Projects
    • All dirs (checked)
    • Enabled (checked)
    • Advanced: Security: sys
    • Save
  7. Create NFS share Sharing - NFS - Add LT-video
    • Path: /mnt/nspool/NFS_ISO_Share
    • All dirs (checked)
    • Enabled (checked)
    • Advanced: Security: sys
    • Save
  8. Add the NFS share to your xcp-ng server

Reference Videos

Hindsight Jail

  1. From FreeNAS Dashboard -> Jails -> ADD
    • Jail Name: hindsight
    • Release: 11.2-RELEASE
    • NEXT:
    • IPv4 Interface: em0
    • IPv4 Address:
    • IPv4 Netmask: 24
    • NEXT:
    • Confirm
      Jail Summary
      Jail Name : hindsight
      Release : 11.2-RELEASE
      IPv4 Address : em0|
      Confirm these settings.
  2. Confirm
    • Basic: Auto-Start
    • Jail: allow_set_hostname, allow_raw_sockets
  3. Install hindsight - Jail -> hindsight -> shell
    • root@hindsight:~ # pkg install stow
    • root@hindsight:~ # mkdir /usr/local/stow
    • root@hindsight:~ # cd /usr/local/stow/
    • root@hindsight:~ # scp cat@ .
    • root@hindsight:~ # tar -xzvf hindsight_bsd_stow.tgz
    • root@hindsight:~ # vi /etc/rc.d/hindsight ``` $ cat /etc/rc.d/hindsight #!/bin/sh #

      PROVIDE: hindsight


      KEYWORD: shutdown

. /etc/rc.subr

name=hindsight rcvar=hindsight_enable

command=”/usr/sbin/daemon” command_args=”-P /var/run/ -T hindsight /usr/local/bin/hindsight /usr/local/hindsight/hindsight.cfg 7”

load_rc_config $name



SET THEM IN THE /etc/rc.conf FILE

# hindsight_enable=${hindsight_enable-“NO”} pidfile=${hindsight_pidfile-“/var/run/”}

run_rc_command “$1”

  - root@hindsight:~ # chmod 555 /etc/rc.d/hindsight
  - root@hindsight:~ # vi /etc/rc.conf


  - root@hindsight:~ # systemclt start hindsight
  - root@hindsight:~ # systemclt status hindsight
  - root@hindsight:~ # lsb_heka_cat /usr/local/hindsight/output/input/0.log
  - syslog collector is running on the standard port 514
  - pfsense collector is on port 4514

## Hindsight update
1. root@hindsight:~ # /etc/rc.d/hindsight status || (service hindsight status)
2. root@hindsight:~ # /etc/rc.d/hindsight stop || (service hindsight stop)
3. root@hindsight:~ # cd /usr/local/
4. root@hindsight:~ # scp cat@ .
5. root@hindsight:~ # stow -v -D *
6. root@hindsight:~ # rm -rf stow
7. root@hindsight:~ # tar -zxf hs_bsd_stow.tgz
8. root@hindsight:~ # cd stow
9. root@hindsight:~ # stow -v *
10. root@hindsight:~ # /etc/rc.d/hindsight start || (service hindsight start)
11. root@hindsight:~ # /etc/rc.d/hindsight status || (service hindsight status)
12. root@hindsight:~ # lsb_heka_cat /usr/local/hindsight/output/input/0.log
## Install new FreeNAS and import existing Pool
1. USB FreeNAS install to new USB
2. Login to FreeNAS firstime set pw (yoursecurepassword)
3. Storage -> Pools -> Add 
   - Import an existing pool
   - NEXT:
   - Is the pool encrypted? No
   - NEXT:
   - Pool: nspool
   - NEXT:
   - Confirm: IMPORT

Pool Import Summary Pool to import : nspool | 9174643673441383865 Confirm these settings. ```