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The netstack storage infrastructure pattern uses ZFS storage mounted via NFS, SMB and iSCSI via a FreeNAS server. Storage allocation, snapshots and recovery are determined via project / customer SLA and maintained through management of ZFS snapshot, replication and rsync tools via the FreeNAS server.

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Netstack Storage Infrastructure

  1. projects.ns.lan - Production Project Storage
  2. backups.ns.lan - Enterprise storage for ZFS volume replication
  3. offsite.ns.lan - DeepStorage and Disaster Recovery

Snapshot, Replication and Recover

  1. projects.ns.lan
    1. ZFS Volumes
      • Projects
    2. ZFS Snapshot every 2hrs
    3. ZFS Replication to every night starting at 8PM CST
    4. Keep 28 snapshots (retention
  2. backups.ns.lan
    1. ZFS Volumes
      • Projects to ProjectsBackup (target for ZFS replication)
    2. XFS Snapshot daily at 4pm
  3. offsite.ns.lan (this could be a physical rotation of ZFS drives
    1. ZFS Volumes
      • Projects


Various information resources

Best TrueNAS 12 Complete walkthrough

Other FreeNAS resources