
nswin10vm Netstack Windows10-Pro on xcp-ng VM

Windows Sandbox options

Build hswin10pro

  1. hswin10pro-vm303-pm01
    • VM config on pm01
    1. Name: hswin10pro VMID: 303 Server: pm01
    2. Windows 10/2016
    3. CD/DVD: Storage: hsfreenas ISO: Win10_1909_English_x64.iso
    4. Hard Disk: Bus: VirtIO 0 Storage: local-lvm Disk size: 32GB Cache: Write back
    5. 6 cores, 8192 (8GB), Enable Numa
    6. Network: Bridge: vmbro Model: VirtIO Firewall: UNCHECKED
    7. Add second CD/DVD: Storage: hsfreenas ISO: virt-win-0.1.171.iso - Boot VM
    8. Proceed with windows installation as normal. Custom: Install Windows only (advanced)
    9. Where to Install setup will not find any drives.
      • Select “Load driver”
      • Browse to CD: viostor > w10 > amd64
      • Click OK should load the Red Hat VirtIO SCSI controller
      • Click NEXT to partion and continue the installation
    10. Finish Windows Install and Reboot
    11. Open Device Manager find Ethernet Controller and PCI device that need driver updates
      • Right click on network NetKVM > win10 > amd64 for “Red Hat VirtIO Ethernet Adaptor”
      • Right clicn on PCI Ballon > win10 > amd64 for “VirtIO Ballon Driver
    12. Shutdown VM
    13. Remove CD/DVD - Start VM hswin10pro
    14. Login on Console with User
    15. Enable “Microsoft Remote Connection”
    16. Turn off Windows Firewall - Reboot VM - Setup Resources
    17. ProxMox Windows 10 VM best practices
    18. ProxMox Windows 10 VM idiots guide
    19. Windows 10 iso - Download link
    20. ProxMox Windows 10 virtio link
    21. ProxMox Windows 10 virtio-win iso
    22. ProxMox Windows 10 - NFS mount
  2. Run Windows Updates
    • Keep updating and rebooting until is stops complaining
  3. Basic Installs
    • Download and install Chrome Downloads/ChromeSetup
    • Download and install FireFox Downloads/Firefox Installer
    • Download and install Edge Downloads/MicrosoftEdgeSetup
  4. Connect NFS Storage
    • On VM: CD/DVD: Storage: hsfreenas ISO: Win10_1909_English_x64.iso
    • Install NFS Client
    1. Open “Control Panel”
    2. Turn ON windows features
      • Services for NFS -> Client for NFS
      • Windows Subsystem for Linux
    3. Enable Write Permissions for the Anonymous User
      • On cmd run “mount” should see UID=-2 and GID=-2
      • Open “regedit”
      • Browse: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ClientForNFS\CurrentVersion\Default
      • Add New DWORD (32-bit): AnonymousUid Value: 0x000000 (0)
      • Add New DWORD (32-bit): AnonymousGid Value: 0x000000 (0)
    4. Reboot (or restart NFS client) - Connect to hspool
       C:\Users\hsadmin>mount -o anon \\\mnt\hspool H:
       - Verify mount  ```  C:\Users\hsadmin>mount

    Local Remote Properties ——————————————————————————- H: \\mnt\hspool UID=0, GID=0 rsize=131072, wsize=131072 mount=soft, timeout=6.4 retry=1, locking=yes fileaccess=755, lang=ANSI casesensitive=no sec=sys

    C:\Users\hsadmin> ```

  5. Install Ubuntu 20.04 LTS app via Play store
    1. sudo apt install nfs-common - NFS Mount the to /mnt/hspool
    2. sudo mkdir -p /mnt/hspool
    3. sudo mount /mnt/hspool -vvv
    4. Verify: df -h
    5. sudo touch /mnt/hspool/thistest.txt
    6. ls -l /mnt/hspool/thistest.txt
  6. Install Visual Studio Code
  7. Shutdown VM backup: vzdump-qemu-303-2020_06_14-14_39_42.vma.gz (backup before Key Activation)
  8. Activate Windows Pro Key
  9. Shutdown VM backup: vzdump-qemu-303-2020_xxx.vma.gz (backup after Key Activation)


  1. Windows Sandbox
  2. Windows Sandbox - mstech
  3. Windows Containers - msdocs
  4. Windows k8s - msdocs
  5. NFS mount on Ubuntu